Why Blogging has Made me Happier

Blogging is a secure way for me to voice my opinions and just say what’s on my mind, even if it doesn’t make sense. 

I have come quite found of blogging and being able to create posts around my interests, and I love the fact that I get to choose what to put up and what I can take down. 

It has really been amazing watching my views go up, even though my followers stay so low. 

I have been happier knowing that I’m able to create and voice my opinions without having to worry about what people think. Why does it matter what they think of it’s something I am enjoying and turning into a hobby. 

It’s refreshing.

It’s everything that I always wanted. 

No more staying quite, no more being afraid of what people think. 

It is my time to gain confidence and voice my opinions.

It can be yours too. 

If you create a blog, I am willing to follow it as long as you follow mine!

And you better bet your bottom dollar I’ll comment!
