The Proposal

This is the story of me and my fiancé’s proposal. 

We were on vacation to Disney World this past June and honestly it was everything I thought it would be! 

We did Magic Kingdom the first day, which was amazing in itself, yes it was hot but it was a feeling of pure joy being there. Especially with people whom I love and care about. 

So Monday comes around and we are headed to Magic Kingdom, my boyfriends leg was shaking uncontrollably. I told him to stop, that he had nothing to be stressed about. Clearly I didn’t know what was going on.

So, we walk into the park after taking the boat. And we start walking down Main Street. That’s when I see it, the castle every girl dreams of seeing once in their life. The fact you can feel like a princess! 

So, we’re getting ready to take pictures and my fiancé’s family said him and I should go first, so we walk over to where our picture will be taken and he turns me around toward the castle, which confuses me because the photographer is facing the other way. So I’m trying to get him to turn around with me and he won’t let me, I’ll get to why shortly. 

When we finally turn around he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! 

Of course I said yes! And I couldn’t turn around because his mom was telling the photographer that he was going to propose!!
