Why I love My Job

I am one of those crazy people who loves their job, yes, I know what you're thinking.

Why does she love her job?
Who cares?
Why do I care?

Well, because its rewarding. I do not know who cares, but I care. You don't have to care, but you are reading this right now so you might care just a bit.

I am a teacher.
I work 8:30-5:00, Monday-Friday.
I am responsible for teaching the future.
These futures are only around two years old.

I am a toddler two teacher.

I deal with the crying, the hunger, the boo-boos, and the loud voices.

I am the one who they look up to when they are in my care. I get all the crazy questions, which comes with all the crazy answers. I deal with the napping, and non-napping children. The cranky and the outgoing.

They are all my favorites though. Each and every child.
They bring new ideas and new questions to me every day.

And for that, I love my job.
